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COVID-19 & Somerset West Community Health Centre


In order to respond to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and keep you safe, we have made substantial changes to the services normally offered to you. We are limiting in-person contact at the Centre and are offering phone and virtual support as much as possible. Many groups, classes and events are being held virtually, although some have resumed in-person programs with limited capacity. More detailed information about our services changes are listed below. 

If you need information about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we recommend Ottawa Public Health's Website for the most up to date information. 


We are working hard to minimize transmission of the coronavirus by implementing a number of changes at our Centre which includes limiting the number of people in our waiting room, and offering appointments by virtual care whenever possible.

  Appointments with our primary care providers are available by phone, video and in-person at both our Eccles and Rosemount locations. This service is open to those with a primary care provider at the Centre.

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

If you require a scheduled urgent appointment, please call us at 613-238-1220 or book online with your provider.

Virtual Walk-In Health Clinics*

Walk-in clinic offers same-day virtual and in person appointments. Virtual care is available by phone and video appointment. This service is open to the Centre's rostered clients, those without OHIP, and orphaned clients without a primary care provider who live in. our service area.

To book an in-person appointment please call 613-238-1220. If you do not have reliable access to a phone, in person same day appointments are available at our 55 Eccles St location between 1-4 p.m. It is recommended to come early in the day to book an appointment for the afternoon.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thursdays 10 a.m. -4 p.m.

To make an appointment, call us at 613-238-1220 or book online

*Due to the increasing number of people without a primary care provider and limited resources, our walk-in clinic will no longer be able to provide service to those with an existing primary care provider (outside of our practice). Our walk-in clinic will continue to support the Centre's rostered clients, those without OHIP, and orphaned clients without a primary care provider who live in the service area. For those with a family doctor or nurse practitioner elsewhere needing acute care, please see this list of walk-in clinics that may suit your needs.

COVID-19 Testing at the Centre

Our onsite COVID-19 testing clinic has officially closed. For the latest on testing information and testing locations please visit Ottawa Public Health’s website.

COVID Vaccine Clinics

Parents and caregivers of children aged 6 months to 5 years are now able to book a Covid-19 vaccine appointment through the Covid-19 vaccine portal and provincial booking centre at 1-833-943-3900. If your child does not have a valid health card, please call Ottawa Public Health at 613-691-5505 to book an appointment.

Everyone 18 + are now eligible to book a second booster shot, providing an extra layer of protection. Second booster doses are being offered at 140 days or 5 months after the first booster dose. Appointments can be made through the COVID-19 vaccine portal or by calling provincial booking centre at 1-833-943-3900.

After-Hours on call doctor

Registered clients of Primary Health Care who need urgent medical advice can reach the on-call doctor by calling 613-238-1220 or 613-688-1177 & press 1.

Monday- Friday 5 PM - 8 PM

Saturday & Sunday 9AM - 5 PM

Outside of these hours while the Centre remains closed, clients are asked to call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000


Acupuncture: This service is active. For more information, please call us at 613-238-1220

Other Primary Care services

Chiropody Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Footcare Tuesdays and every other Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

For more information, please call us at 613-238-1220.

Anonymous HIV Testing: Appointments are available Monday-Friday. Call 613-295-9574 to make an appointment. You will be asked some screening questions for COVID-19 and HIV transmission risk factors over the phone before the appointment is confirmed. We also offer drop in hours on Thursdays from 1 - 4 pm at 55 Eccles.

Breastfeeding support: Our lactation consultant is available to provide phone support. Clients who need assistance please call 613-688-1177.

Buns in the Oven: Buns in the Oven program is now offered online every Tuesday from 1:30-2:15pm. Contact  613-238-1220 ext 2248.

Chinese Seniors Physical Fitness Program (华裔长者健康运动班): We have moved these to online sessions until further notice. To get connected, please contact Catherine at 613-238-8214 ext. 2318.  為了應对COVID-19 的广泛蔓延,我们已将课程转移到在线视频课程,于每星期三下午2时 到三时,直至另行通知。请联系:梁护士  613-238-8214 x 2318  

Dental Screenings: For emergency dental needs, please call one of the City of Ottawa dental clinics listed below, or you can contact the Dental Information Line at 613-580-2424 ext: 23510.

  • 1580 Merivale Rd - 613-580-9631

  • 2525 St. Laurent Blvd – 613-580-9632

  • 40 Cobourg St – 613-580-9633

Feeding your Baby Workshop: We have moved these to online sessions until further notice. To get connected, please contact 613-238-8210 ext. 2248.

Groups/Classes: All of our in-person groups and classes are cancelled until further notice. This includes Chinese Pregnancy Circle, Health Workshops, Seniors Shopping Group, Tai Chi & Qigong, The Place to be Drop-In, Vietnamese Drop In, Vietnamese Canadian Community of Ottawa (VCCO) programs, & Wellness Clinic at 55 Eccles.

Nutritional/Dietitian service: Services are offered by phone and video. For more information please call  613-238-1220 ext. 2248.

Seniors Community Kitchen: We have moved to online sessions until further notice. Please contact 613-238-8210 ext. 2248 to register.

Well-Baby Drop In: Now happening in-person at 30 Rosemount on Mondays, 1 – 2 p.m. Please register with Kimberly at 613-791-5112.


Afterschool Programs: Programs are open!

Headstart Nursery Schools (Nanny Goat Hill and Queensway Preschool): Our nursery schools are open Please call us for more information: 613-235-756 

Playgroups & drop-in services: In-person playgroups are available, and we will continue to offer sessions via Zoom meeting. You can learn more here.


Income Tax Clinics: SWCHC offers income tax preparation for clients of our programs and/or people living in our service area who meet the criteria for the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.  This year, in response to COVID 19, we are offering a modified pick-up tax service. Our tax clinics are full for the 2021 tax season, but you can call 613 324 4920 to be added to our wait list if you meet the criteria for the clinics. 

Rochester Heights Community House: Phone support is available at 613-237-6529. You can also email

Yet Keen Seniors Day Centre 日健高齡康樂中心: Our drop-in Centre is open for limited attendance. Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Call 613-232-6695 for more information.


Consumption & Treatment Services: We have modified our hours. Our CTS site is open every day from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. 

DOPE Response: We continue to operate our regular hours Monday - Sunday, 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Needle Exchange & Safer Inhalation (NESI): Our drop-in program is closed until further notice, but gear distribution is available at 55 Eccles Monday - Sunday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Van and outreach are continuing with regular schedules. You can contact the NESI Van  at 613-761-0003.

SMART Recovery Meetings: Meetings are cancelled until further notice. 


The lung health program continues to support new and existing clients through in-person and virtual appointments Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. To request an appointment please call 613-288-0163.

Classes/Groups: COPD Exercise Drop-In run by the Family Physiology is now online. Please call Grace at 613-796-4729 or email to get the class information and sign a waiver


Counselling by Phone or Video at SWCHC: We are offering counselling sessions by phone and/or video. Counselling is offered in English and Mandarin. Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 9 – 5 p.m. If you are seeking mental health support, please call 613-402–2499 and we will connect you to resources

Walk-in Counselling: Community members can access immediate counselling supports through our Walk-in Counselling Clinics. Community members can call, the day of, to reserve a spot: (613) 755 – 2277. For more information click here.

The Walk-in Counselling Clinic @ 55 Eccles (currently virtual)

Tuesdays 12 – 5:00 pm

Languages: English, Mandarin

The Walk-in Counselling Clinic for the African, Caribbean and Black Community @ 30 Rosemount (currently virtual)

Thursdays 12 – 5:00 pm

Languages: English, French, Arabic

Counselling Connect

Tired of pretending everything is fine? If you need to talk about it, Counselling Connect provides quick access to a free phone or video counselling session. You choose a convenient date and time. This service is for everyone: children, youth, adults and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area. There is no waiting list.

Sessions are offered for all ages by Ottawa community agencies, including community health centres, Crossroads, Family Services Ottawa, Ottawa Community Immigrant Service Organization, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, Youth Services Bureau and more. Visit

CMHA Case Management for Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Chinese Communities: For existing clients only - phone support continues to be available, however in person appointments have been suspended.  Please contact your Case Manager directly.

Practical Support for Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Chinese Communities: Phone support continues to be available, however in person appointments have been suspended.  Please call (613) 238-8210 for more information


Urgent Primary Care: We continue to offer services by appointment only  Monday - Fridays from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please note ONHC does not have a walk-in clinic.

1 comentario

Adam Wandler
Adam Wandler
17 may 2024

Choosing Tax Consultant Prince George for my tax needs was one of the best decisions I made. Their dedication to client satisfaction and commitment to accuracy sets them apart from the rest.

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