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Statement on Anti-Asian Racism and the tragedy in Atlanta


We were devastated to hear the tragic news about the fatal shootings in Atlanta, Georgia that killed eight people, six of whom were women of Asian descent. Although anti-Asian racism is not new and, in fact, has been happening since the first Chinese labourers arrived in Canada more than 100 years ago, we know that incidents of anti-Asian racism, including violent incidents, have significantly increased over the last year. Unfortunately, the data also shows that Asian women are disproportionately impacted by racial violence, as was the case in this horrific incident.

As an organization that works closely with the Asian community, this tragic event deepens our commitment to work collectively to address racism and oppression in all its forms, and the related systemic issues that underlie this hate crime - white supremacy, misogyny, and the stigma and violence faced by those in the sex industry.

The Represent Asian Project has identified concrete ways we can all take action (@repasianproject):

Educate Yourself on the history of anti-Asian racism in Canada, the model minority myth and internalized racism.

Raise Awareness around anti-Asian racism. On social media, use #StopAsianHate or the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice’s hashtag, #FaceRace.

Report anti-Asian hate incidents at:

You can report anti-Asian hate crimes in Canada at any of the following:

Speak Up if you see racism happening in the streets or online and call it out if it is safe to do so. For Bystander Intervention Training, go to

Support Asian-owned businesses:

Amplify Asian artists, authors, activists and voices

Donate money and time to grassroots and community organizations doing racial justice work

Take Care of yourselves and those in the community and take the time to process and heal,

rather than minimize or invalidate your experiences or the experiences of others


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