About Us
Somerset West Community Health Centre (SWCHC) is a non-profit, community-governed organization that provides a range of primary health care and social services. Its mission is to support people and communities to enjoy the best possible health and well-being. This is done by providing primary health care and social services, and promoting access to the social conditions that influence health, such as housing, food security, employment and civic engagement.
Board of Directors
SWCHC is looking for passionate and dedicated strategic thinkers to join our volunteer Board of Directors. Board members must be willing to attend a monthly Board meeting, and participate on one Committee. The Centre can provide assistance with child care and transportation for meetings, if necessary.
While we invite all interested candidates to apply, to ensure the best possible decision-making environment, importance will be given to the diversity of board members in areas such as ethnicity, race, culture, gender, age, and areas of expertise and experience. In particular, we are looking for candidates with the following skills or experience:
Knowledge of housing and development
Resident of the SWCHC service area
To apply, please
Complete an online application form below and send a copy of your resume to info@swchc.on.ca
Submit a short statement/letter outlining why you would be interested in becoming a member of the board by email to info@swchc.on.ca
Express your interest by phone by calling 613-869-1990 (Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm)
Individuals interested in joining the Board of Directors are encouraged to express their interest by April 2, 2021. Interviews with selected candidates will be held in April 2021.