What to Expect at Delivery
Contact Details
& Service Area
For who:
Pregnant Women and families
Service Area:
SWCHC Service Area
SWCHC Service Area
SWCHC Service Area
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About this Program
The family physicians from Somerset West Community Health Centre deliver babies at The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, 1053 Carling Avenue. At the Civic Campus we are family centered and offer a comfortable birth atmosphere for the low risk patient.
When you think you might be in labour:
Go to the Civic Campus 4th floor Birthing Unit triage area.
If you are unsure if it is time to go to the hospital or you have any questions, you can telephone a labour and delivery nurse at 613-761-5112.
When you arrive at triage, a nurse and family medicine resident will assess you.
The family physician on call that day will then be contacted and will discuss what is happening with your labour or other pregnancy issues.
Patients in active labour can expect one on one nursing care and the involvement of a family medicine resident. The delivery rooms offer showers, rocking chairs and birthing balls. We encourage women to labour in a variety of positions.
NOTE: We can not guarantee that all female staff will be involved in your care at the hospital.
If at any time your pregnancy becomes high risk we have 24-hour access to obstetricians, pediatricians, neonatal special care and anesthesia. After the baby is born she or he will "room in" with Mom. The Dad or partner are welcome to stay too. Keeping baby skin to skin and in the same room as Mom improves bonding and breastfeeding.